Thursday, July 16, 2009

What a shitty blog!

Well, it's been a solid seven months since I last wrote anything about eating, but don't you worry -- I've eaten plenty of stuff. Of note:

1. Whole Foods has a four-day sale every fourth of July where their burgers are only a dollar each! A DOLLAR!!!!!!!!!

2. My dad introduced me to an Italian place in Trenton (maybe Lawrenceville? It's right by Notre Dame) that I really loved at first, and then I went there a second time and got food poisoning. Bummer. It's called Enzo's, and here is my review in bullet-point form:

-awesomely simple, classic, rustic bread
-awesomely simple, classic, rustic salad
-mediocre (but not crappy) entrees. Highlight: They have a variety of traditional Italian sauces and pastas, and you can mix and match whichever you like. This rules for somebody who loves vodka sauce but is not that into penne.
-KICK ASS cannolis
-Too small and crowded
-Reasonable prices
-Don't get anything that combines creamy and fishy. Tastes like Tuna Helper and will make you barf all night.

3. I joined a CSA this summer and it sucks pretty hard. I've gotten almost nothing but lettuce and bok choi for like three weeks now. $500 down the shitter.

What an exciting post! At least I wrote something!

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